Erosive Lichen Planus Side Effects

Lichen Planus has shiny flat topped bumps of various sizes, purple in shading and frequently crossed with white lines called Wickham's striae. They are usually found on the inner wrists, lower arms and lower legs, yet can influence any part of the skin. Lichen Planus might be exceptionally bothersome. New lesions appear while others are clearing. Once in a while the skin stains after the injury has cleared and this can stay for quite a while. Erosive Lichen Planus Side Effects: Taking after things happen when the disease shows in the body and called Erosive Lichen Planus : · Skin gets Painful rashes and they are inexhaustible on the sides of the tongue or inside of the cheeks. · The blue white shaded Pimples appear on the skin which are discovered exceptionally on the internal wrist, legs, or privates. · Single or groups of wounds appear at the site of skin mischief that have extreme sh...